Step By Step Bride’s Speech

When it comes to your big day, you probably already have enough to think about. There’s the catering, the actual spot for the ceremony, the reception, the music and so much more. The last thing you want is probably one more issue added to the plate. But give some thought to giving a bridal speech. While it’s not considered part of the tradition, necessarily, it’s become more and more common. Plus, it can be a lot of fun.

Don’t get stressed out about it either. The following steps will make your speech a breeze.

Address Your Family

Aside from your new husband, no one will be as happy for you as your family. This includes your new family as well. So be sure you spend some time during your speech addressing them.

When it comes to your own family, consider thanking them for all their love and support over the years. No doubt, they’ve played a huge role in shaping the woman you’ve become. It’s also nice for you to thank your in-laws for the same role they played with your husband.

Most of all, thank any of them who were helpful in planning your special day. Usually, the mother of the bride plays a significant role in helping pick the dress, for example. Now is a good time to show your appreciation.

Your Husband and Humor

You can’t forget about your new husband either. Many brides love to take this opportunity to tell a funny story about them. It helps if you coordinate with your groom somewhat, just to make sure you don’t end up telling the same stories they do. For example, one popular story is to talk about the first time you both met. Obviously, you don’t want to have that same story ready.

Even if he wants to tell that story, there are probably plenty of others to choose from. You may have had some funny times on dates you went on or vacations you took. Maybe you can talk about the first time he met your family.

No matter what story you tell, try to inject a little humor. This can go a long way with your audience, especially when some of them may not be overly familiar with all of the couples’ details.

On a More Affectionate Note

Don’t forget to address your husband in a more affectionate way too. You’ve already exchanged vows so a simple, thoughtful sentiment can be enough.

Finish Strong

Any good speech at a wedding ends with a toast. Thank everyone for coming (especially those  from far away) and take one more moment to express your gratitude for anyone else who helped out, your bridal attendance for example.

Have Fun with It

The big thing with a bride’s speech is to have fun with it. Because there really isn’t a huge tradition with it, you can do just about anything you want. So say whatever you feel is appropriate and, more than anything, enjoy yourself! Seeing as how it’s your big day, you can expect your audience will love it no matter what.